URL of the web-site :
Address of the association:
Keren Esther, 9 rue Parrot CS 72809
75590 Paris cedex 12.
Siret :
Association :
L’association Keren Esther est une association régie par la loi du 1er juillet 1901.
Copyright :
© Association Keren Esther
Any reproduction, use or representation, in whole or in part of the pages, the data, and in a general way of any element constituting this site on any support whatsoever is strictly prohibited without prior authorization of the Association.
The website hosting is provided by OVH
Optimization of the website:
This website is optimized for Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Safari for Mac browsers.
Content Information:
The texts are presented for information purposes without any contractual value.
The contents and the information of this site are protected by the right on the intellectual property. It is forbidden to use or reproduce them without the express prior authorization of the Association.
Information collected on the site:
The nominative information collected on the site is intended for the exclusive use of the Association.