End-of-Year Appeal

Let’s Help the Shlou'him
in Difficulty!
“Keren Esther” aims to assist Shlou’him with their basic needs and daily expenses.

Due to the current financial turbulence, many Shlou’him are in urgent need of help. Most of them cannot even afford to feed their families, buy clothes, or send their children to school.

Dear friends, help our Shlou’him generously.

Thanks to you, they will be able to continue their dedication and mission in service of the Jewish people! You can make a difference! The requests for assistance are constant and unfortunately increasing. We cannot remain indifferent to these struggles while Shlou’him fight for Judaism around the world, trying to survive on the front lines!

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Donation Total: 90,00€ One Time

The accounts of Keren Esther are audited annually to ensure transparent management. By making a donation, you benefit from a 75% tax reduction up to €1,000, and 66% beyond that. For example, a donation of €1,000 only costs you €340 after the deduction. If your donations exceed 20% of your taxable income, the excess can be carried over to future years.

By supporting Keren Esther, you are making an act of solidarity while enjoying tax benefits.

We transform your donations into actions.

CERFA receipt issued immediately.

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